My life and times in Corporate America

My dealings with life at a corporate job straight out of college and fooling my employers into thinking I'm really smart. Rantings about my co-workers, work, and life in general.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Attention Fireman - Save My Career

You know you’ve been in corporate America too long when you discover an automatic stapler in one your drawers that you never knew was yours and it truly makes your day. Anyone need anything stapled?

I’m no longer the youngest person at my company. This became blatantly apparent when I pointed out to a friend that a certain admin’s outfit was “not work appropriate.” I’d worn a skirt much shorter just a year ago. I’m older and wiser now. I’m 23.

I think my voice has finally started to sound my age. I’ve always had a tendency to sound about 4 on the phone, and more then a few times the person on the other end has asked to speak to my mommy. Even at work. Me: “Um, no, this is Heather in corporate treasury. I wanted to issue some overnight commercial paper.” Goldman Sachs: “OK little girl, put the phoney phone down and let me talk to daddy, OK?”
But yesterday I was talking to one of our traders in Connecticut and he asked me where I went to grad school! Now I in fact did go to grad school. But guys, he thought I sounded old enough to go to grad school! Not to mention smart enough. Wow. I must sound hot.


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