Interesting things that happened yesterday at work...
I got a spam email from about a special sale on Pampers. What I have bought online recently that makes them think I’d be interested in Pampers? Maybe it’s that baby I bought online.
My Snapple cap informed me of “Real Fact #2”: Animals that lay eggs don’t have belly buttons. Well, duh. I did in fact take 6th grade science. Next you’re going to tell me that if an animal doesn’t breathe in and out, it will die. Come on, Snapple.
I’ve been working off-site for about two weeks now, far away from head office and far away from my new window desk. I’m at an affiliate office and it’s got a totally different vibe then my cool downtown office. Today is casual Friday and the people here really take that to the fullest extent of its meaning. Everyone’s wearing jeans and sneakers. Not to be a snob, but they all look totally unprofessional. I think I saw one guy in his pajamas. The guy who sits near me is sporting an orange t-shirt with a hole in and a gold chain. If I see a hat that says “Who Farted?” I’m packing up.
The lead auditor in my group was typing “affiliate” in an email and asked me if it’s spelled A-F-F-I-L-I-I-A-T-E. Are you serious? What word in the English language have you ever come across that has two I’s in a row? I don’t know which is dumber, you or the Snapple cap.