I should be out partying...
Tonight is the first Saturday night in a good year or so that I’m home alone. Or home at all for that matter. Even after I started dating the boy, we have always maintained an active night life and social life. But tonight I’m home because an evil thing called the CPA exam is looming in my near future. After many co-worker’s insistences that I take it seriously, I’ve given up my Saturday night (and Friday night, and a few other nights for that matter) to stay home and study. Although, as you can see, it’s really all in vain because I am now blogging.
I took yesterday off work and I intended to get a good six hours of studying in. Instead, I woke up at 10, decided my head kind of hurt and I shouldn’t study, watched two episodes of Law & Order, called my boyfriend, took a nap, and then went over a handful of exam questions before going out to dinner. I did get in a good hour of exam questions from my study course CD-Rom, but of course that was in between g-chatting with a few people. One minute I’m reading about the advantages of statistical sampling in a financial statement audit and the next I’m talking to my friend about what she’s doing for Thanksgiving.
So now, it’s Saturday night. The boy is off at a party to watch pay-per-view boxing, and I’m home “studying.” Even my parents called me tonight, and, amidst the laughter and clinking glasses in the background, I vaguely made out that they were out at a restaurant downtown and on their way to a show. Dammit, even my parents are out! And in MY downtown! This is getting embarrassing.
The sad part is this test is only the first part of four that I need to pass in order to get my CPA. After I graduated from college, when my mind was still fresh with all the accounting knowledge from my degree, I should have buckled down and started studying to get this thing out of the way. But instead, I decided to run an active campaign for most social and popular girl at work and spent the last two years going to happy hours and dating co-workers.
But now I’m onboard with this whole serious career thing. I’m done casually dating co-workers, now I’m seriously dating one. (See how I’ve matured?) And I have been known to turn down a happy hour or two in the past weeks. (I know, my co-workers are as shocked as you are.) So now comes the time that I get serious. It’s a commitment to my career, as annoying-IT-auditor in my office always says.
So I guess now that I’ve successfully wasted another 30 minutes writing this blog and I’ve already done all my laundry, cleaned my apartment, done my nails, alphabetized my bookshelf, defrosted my fridge, and called everyone I know who is lame enough to also be home on a Saturday night (even my parents were too busy to talk to me), I guess I need to stop procrastinating and pick up my studying where I left off. Page 2. Wish me luck!