My life and times in Corporate America

My dealings with life at a corporate job straight out of college and fooling my employers into thinking I'm really smart. Rantings about my co-workers, work, and life in general.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

This makes my thinking bones hurt

The latest news on me and the gym: Thanks to my yoga inclined friend Alex, I’ve finally gotten to the bottom of that strange body part that my pilates instructor keeps mentioning. All this time, I thought she was saying “sit-baums”, as in a fancy name for some part of your body. It’s somewhere on your lower back and I thought it was actually quite a fancy, German-sounding name for a body part I generally use to lounge on while watching TV. But I wasn’t completely sold, so I went to my friend for some clarification.
It turns out that it’s actually called your “sit bones”, meaning the bones you sit on! I was horrified! Eww! I don’t like thinking about my bones during class! You can’t be listening to Enya and drifting off to a land of contentment and then be reminded that the only way you’re able to do this pose is thanks to the calcium deposits your sitting on! And couldn’t they have thought of a more sophisticated name to give a body part? I mean, sit bones? What grade did they have graduate from to come up with that one? You sit on it… it’s a bone.. therefore, it’s a “sit bone”? I mean, should I start calling my fingers my “pointer bones” and my feet my “stand-on bones”? And then maybe our legs could be our “walking sticks”. So from now on in pilates, I will continue to sit on my “sit baums” and imagine that some European immigrant who landed a job at the body part naming factory came up with that interesting name. That will be my silent protest. Well, silent except for this blog, which I will now post in defiance by using my pointer bone to press “publish”.


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